When my kids were growing up, I found it helpful to have my Natural Medicine Cabinet stocked
with all the essentials and remedies.

A child’s adaptive immune system takes years, and many illnesses, to develop well. Exposures
to various pathogens and environmental factors play a crucial role. When children get sick, they are generally lethargic and may complain about various aches and
pains. Key principles in all illnesses are plenty of rest, adequate water and herbal teas and a
healthy diet.
Some of the most common childhood ailments include fevers, upper respiratory infections,
cough, cold and flu, earaches, skin rashes and cuts and bruises.

Upper respiratory infections (URIs): These include colds, flu, and sinus infections. Kids can get
several colds a year.

Herbal blends, teas and syrups have been go-to remedies that help with symptoms and
healing. Some amazing herbal concoctions include elderberry syrup, echinacea, marshmallow
root, anise, thyme and yarrow tea.

Your Natural Medicine Cabinet:
Chest Balm
3-4 Tbsp. organic Coconut Oil
1 drop organic peppermint essential oil
1 drop organic eucalyptus essential oil
1 drop organic clove essential oil
Rub on chest and back. Add a warm pack.
*Always try a small area on an adult and then on the child before applying to a larger area*

Magnesium Tea for Cough
100mg -200mg CALM Magnesium citrate
2 tsp. organic honey
Cinnamon (sprinkle) ~ optional
Lemon (juiced) ~optional
Add hot water, let cool to warm and drink.

Cough and Cold Blend
2 parts Elderberry
1 part Echinacea pupurea
1 part Anise seed
1 part Passionflower
1 part Thyme

Bathroom Sauna
Place a few drops of essential oils like eucalyptus, thyme, cloves or peppermint on a
washcloth. Place the washcloth under a hot shower spray. Allow the bathroom to fill with
steam. Have the child play or sit in the bathroom for 5-8 min.

Ear aches and infections often follow colds or URIs, particularly in younger children due to their
smaller, more horizontal Eustachian tubes.
They are mostly due to a poor drainage of fluid in the middle and inner ears. If the ear drum is
torn or damaged, do not add any liquids to the ear canal.

Massage: use coconut/olive oils or chest balm blend to gently massage in front of, behind and
below the ears to encourage draining and relief.

Your Natural Medicine Cabinet
Garlic-Mullein Ear Oil
4-5 cloves garlic
Crushed Mullein Leaf
Olive/Grape seed Oil
Add to glass bottle. Strain after 4-6 weeks. Use 1-2 drops in the affected ear.
Cover with a warm compress.

Garlic Clove
– peel and insert into the outer ear
The clove should be large enough to stay on the outer part of the ear canal.

Gastrointestinal issues such as nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach flu (gastroenteritis)
can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites.

Your Natural Medicine Cabinet
Ginger and Castor Oil

Ginger Tea
Brew a ginger tea using fresh or dried organic ginger root. Simmer the root for 20-30 minutes.
Let cool. You may need to add more water if it gets too strong for a child.

Castor Oil Pack
Rub a teaspoon or two of organic castor oil on the child’s abdomen. Apply a cotton cloth or
muslin on top. Add a warm pack if desired. Rest for 30 minutes.

Diarrhea Support
Slippery Elm glycerite
Take 1-2 droppers every 2-3 hours.
Slippery Elm powder
Mix with organic honey
One teaspoon is likely all that will be managed! It tastes terrible, but works quickly.

Skin infections, bruising and common rashes like eczema. Always consider food allergies and
sensitivities when it comes to eczema. Other contributors are environmental insults like soaps,
lotions, detergents and herbicides/pesticides…etc.

Your Natural Medicine Cabinet
Comfrey Salve
Infuse Comfrey, calendula, plantain with Olive oil for 6-8 weeks
Strain. Gently warm it enough to melt some wax pellets in the mixture to create an ointment.
Add Lavender essential oil – 5-10 drops if desired,

A fever is a sign that the child’s immune system is revved and working. Suppressing a fever
with fever-lowering medications cripples the immune response needed for healing. As a
general rule, it is not wise to suppress a fever unless the fever is exceptionally high.

Your Natural Medicine Cabinet
Brew a pot of yarrow tea. Add some peppermint leaves to help with taste.
Drink 1-2 cups daily
Bathe the child in lukewarm water.

As with all childhood illnesses, do not hesitate to call your provider or go to the ER in the event
that your child is seriously ill and/or you are not able to manage symptoms at home.

Pin to Your Natural Medicine Cabinet
As long as the remedy you are preparing for the child is ok to give to a child, you can apply this
rule to find out proper dosing of a product for the child.

Adult Dose X (Age ÷ (Age+12)) = Child’s Dose
Example for an Adult dose of 500mg:
•11 year old girl / 70 Lbs
•500mg X (11 ÷ (11+12)) = Child’s Dose
•500mg X (11 ÷ 23) = Child’s Dose
•500mg X .48 = Child’s Dose
•Child’s Dose = 240mg

NOTE: Unless marked specifically for younger infants, use caution with all oral herbal remedies
with children under the age of two.

Occasionally, our children are not sick, but they may show some signs of nutrient
insufficiencies, allergies, trauma or stress. This is a cheatsheet you can pin to the inside of your
medicine cabinet for easy reference.
Dilated pupils can indicate a dairy allergy.
Excess ear wax can mean food allergies, poor fat digestion or poor gut health.
Cracking skin behind the ears may indicate a zinc deficiency.
Enlarged tonsils indicate immune issues, food allergies and dental concerns.
Ginding teeth may be from allergies, stress, trauma or temporalis muscle tension.
Headaches, tummyaches, changing sleep patterns (new onset) can mean psychological stress.
Fluid behind ears – if not post-illness could mean dairy allergies or other food allergies.
Skin rashes often show food and environmental allergies and immune issues.

Last, but not least, cuddles, stories, sunshine and time will be the healing modalities your child
will remember long after they are feeling better.